Official Kicksnarker FAQ (Part Two: Joining and Quitting)

It's a public group. We do have ask-to-join enabled because it keeps most spammers at bay. New members are "limited," but after we've seen you interact with us for a bit, you'll be promoted to Real Boy full membership.

How Do I Join?
If you're on Google Plus, you can just go to the Community Page and click on "Join Community" at the top of the page. One of our Moderators will probably approve you fairly quickly.

Are There Any Restrictions On Who Can Join?
It's a Google Plus Community, so you need to have a Google Plus account. That's the only real restriction on membership, because as a community, we don't care about your age, race, gender, orientation, religion, size, pattern, hue, or saturation.

I Applied To Join And Wasn't Immediately Approved!
This is less of a problem than it was - with the August 2016 changes to communities allowing "limited" membership, we aren't waiting to approve folks like we used to. We're even letting spammers in, now!

Please keep in mind that our moderators are real people with real lives, and there will be times when we're on vacation or at conventions or working at our day jobs, so approval can take time. Just be patient.

What If I Don't Have A Google Plus Account?
Then you can't join. It's not because we don't like you (although we probably don't), but without a Google Plus account, you can't join any Google Plus Community. Don't blame us - Google made this decision.

Can I Read Without Joining?
Yes, Kicksnarker is a public community, so everything we post and say is publicly visible. And by "publicly visible," I mean, "You don't even need a Google Plus account to read it."

Can I Tell My Friends About This Community?
The first rule of Kicksnarker is that we do not talk about Kicksnarker. In fact, we need to know who told you about us so that we can ban them immediately from the community.

I Want To Leave The Community. How?
Sorry, but that is not an option.  When the community was first created, we chose the "4Lyfe" option. Once you're in, you're one of us forever until a moderator bans you.

I Like Being Here, But You Guys Post Too Much!
We don't control how active the community is - nor would we want to. The more things you throw at the wall, the more likely something interesting will stick.

Google Plus used to let you turn off notifications for a community. It might still allow it - poke around in the settings a bit and see what you come up with.

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